Monday, March 3, 2008

. . .

hey peeps.
since my friendster account has been deleted, i thought of starting to blog.
it's not like i never blog before..but i seldom update my's why i end up making lots of new blog accounts but never used it properly. but now i'm making it an attempt to at least update my blog three times a week.[hope i can do it.heh.]
anyway.back to business.
exams are finally over!!WOOHOO!but add maths paper really suck.five questions and each questions is like 20 over marks.ish la.guarantee FAIL la me.argh!=
moral paper was quite tough too.i wonder how many subjects am i going to fail this time.going to get a lot of red marks ad.shit!.
went marching in the afternoon today.have to command.argh.gonna lose my voice soon la.
mindy asked me to join in the contingent cos there wasn't enough ppl.
after such a long time i did not march,felt so lazy to march
when i was marching it felt like my hand is going to be detached from my body la.haha.maybe its because i haven been marching for a long time.heh.
anyway.i'll stop writing now.updating some pics.heh.took pics with laimay last sat before youth=]


[again-too free ad]lol

i'm off.bye=]


Unknown said...

Beautifull name.
Meet me Upstairs for a Big-Ol beer
and we'll tok bout
celebrating our eternal resurrection
at the RongWayPub
(how you make the R
turn around, dear?
Thus, the RongWayPub.
You're bright.
You know exactly what I mean).
Cya Upstairs someday...

Unknown said...

No, dear, I refuse to hate.
Hatred's for the retarded.
Even true retards dont hate.
You're puh-retty much down
on the lower food chain
if you hate.
Does God hate?
To a certain extent...
yet, only when we
mortals hate ourselves;
then, God let's slimy ol Satan
get moeNmoe control
over the human race
till we are at the present time.
STOP being a faithfull lemming!!!
STOP doing the whorizontal, world!!!
See the Trinity
who wants to save us
from this filthy world of Hollywould.

God bless your indelible soul.

Google+: kold_kadavr _flatliner
Q: why kold_kadavr _flatliner?
A: i was in a severe Ottowekk
and I saw Seventh-Heaven.
This is our journey now.

If you're having some trouble gettn
a grip on faith, just follow these 2
1. Love our God Almighty
2. Love everyone else.
Then, you, are, IN.

Unknown said...

Beautifull name.
Meet me Upstairs for a Big-Ol beer
and we'll tok bout
celebrating our eternal resurrection
at the RongWayPub
(how you make the R
turn around, dear?
Thus, the RongWayPub.
You're bright.
You know exactly what I mean).
Cya Upstairs someday...